#360: A New Kind of PT

There's one symptom we see often in kids with Hao-Fountain Syndrome. It can cause major issues. And in our house we're trying to do something about it.

There's one symptom we see often in kids with Hao-Fountain Syndrome. It can cause major issues. And in our house we're trying to do something about it.

Dealing with a common symptom of HFS: constipation. The answer? Pelvic floor PT.

This podcast is sponsored by The Disorder Channel. It’s 100% devoted to programming about rare diseases and other types of disabilities. You can add it for free right now on Roku and Amazon Fire TV. The Disorder Channel—the most rare stories in the world. https://www.thedisordercollection.com/

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Learn more about our life with Tess on my blog: http://www.portlandrootsmedia.com/stronger-every-day-blog-1