#69: The Closest Match Yet

This week, Tess is a media star. She's all over the place. Which is nice. But there's a way that the snowballing effect helps her, and us, like never before.

Episode 35: We Find An Answer - click here to listen now |

Texas Children's Blog - "Now There Are Eight," B. Bigelow, 5/3/16  |  

ABCNews.com - "Girl Diagnosed With Rare Genetic Disorder Thanks to Reddit After Years of Inconclusive Testing," G. Mohney, 5/4/16 | 

Washington Post - "What do you do when you have one of the rarest diseases around?," E. Mullin, 2/15/16 | 

The Atlantic - "Building a Community Around His Daughter's Rare Disease," E. Yong, 9/23/15  |  

Daily Mail - "Girl, six, with rare genetic disorder that affects only EIGHT people in the world finds hope thanks to social media," K. Blakeley, 5/4/16  | 

Seattle Times - "Needle in the genetic haystack: How a new UW website is helping families, scientists," J. Aleccia, 5/7/16  | 

MyGene2  | 

Milo's Journey - searching for other kids like Milo, with issues in genes KDM1A and ANKRD11 - website | Facebook